
On the move: latest sector appointments
A new GM for Yirra Yaakin, new Chair at JamFactory, Associate Conductor appointed at WASO and more.

This week's arts news and trending topics
What's in the headlines and the arts news that people are discussing this week.

Prime Minister’s Literary Awards winners 2023
Winners across six literary categories each take home $80,000 in this year's Prime Minister's Literary Awards.

Rupert Myer calls for a Ministerial Council for the Arts
In a National Press Club Address, Rupert Myer outlines what it will take for Australia to become a ‘cultural powerhouse’,…

MPavilion 10 off and running
The 10th annual MPavilion has now been revealed in Mebourne's Queen Victoria Gardens.

Nude in the name of art on Brisbane’s iconic Story Bridge
Visual artist Spencer Tunick’s 2023 Brisbane-based work ‘Tide’ is a prequel for bigger things to come in 2024.

Opportunities and awards
Darwin Fringe call-out, plus winners of Sculpture by the Sea, and finalists of Small Press Network's Book of the Year…

A new era shaped by artists’ studio needs
What 350 free artist studios mean for the future of Australia's arts ecology. ArtsHub speaks with Artspace directors.

Interrogating the Budget: NSW estimates for the arts
Last week NSW Minister John Graham faced the Legislative Council to review spending for this year and next. ArtsHub shares…

10 recently published arts books, worthy of a read
Arts publications worthy of your time. ArtsHub shares what's top of reading lists for November.