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Laneway Festival to hit USA

The St. Jerome’s Laneway Festival is adding a North American city to the 2013 circuit.


Hindus upset at Fairfax cartoon’s spin

A Fairfax cartoon depicting Shane Warne as Lord Ganesh has sparked criticism from Hindus.


Tamarama Rock Surfers reveal 2013 season

Sydney’s premier independent theatre company, the Tamarama Rock Surfers announces their 2013 season lineup.


Top 12 Australian fashion films

L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival has compiled the very best homegrown Australian short fashion films for their first Fashion Film Series,…


A week of arts achievements

It’s nice to see a week so jam-packed full of artists being recognised for their achievements, ability and talent.


Opportunities and applications open

Want to end up being celebrated for your achievements? Here are a few opportunities to kick start your arts career.


Sefton makes his musical mark on Adelaide

The Adelaide Festival kicks off this weekend, and first-time Artistic Director David Sefton has already made his musical mark.


New Picasso uncovered in Barcelona museum

A team of restorers at Barcelona’s Picasso Museum have discovered an old drawing by the Master hidden behind one of…


Berlin Wall artwork makes way for apartments

Artwork and graffiti on the iconic Berlin Wall are set to be demolished for property development, despite opposition by artists…


Russians unhappy with culture minister appointment

The appointment of Andrei Nelidov to run the Kizhi State Museum in Karelia has been met with protests by Russians.

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