
Dr Mary Ann Hunter, arts education lecturer
Mary Ann Hunter combines arts education with social transformations.

Operation Art by kids for kids at Westmead
Operation Art puts cheerful paintings on the walls of galleries and hospitals.

VCASS entry applications for 2014 open soon
Students of music, dance and visual arts from all around Australia and overseas can apply to enter the Victorian College…

Keep score with best practice at the Maryborough Music Conference
Score yourself a place at Australia’s premier event for music educators at the Maryborough Music Conference.

Hiromi Tango gets 12 months at MCA
The MCA commissioned Hiromi Tango to make a safe space all year in its Bella Room for learners with an…

Object enters MoU to move to Barangaroo South
Object: Australian Design Centre has entered into a MoU with Lend Lease to relocate to Barangaroo South in Sydney.

The face behind the discussion
Rachel Healy has cultural chops. She’s been General Manager of Belvoir Street Theatre and Director of Performing Arts for Sydney…

What kind of input can you have to the Sydney Cultural Policy?
The City of Sydney is looking for your input into their Creative City Cultural Policy Discussion Paper.

Clover Moore on fostering Sydney's culture
Lord Mayor Clover Moore clearly loves Sydney and the variety of culture it offers.

Ambassadors for a Cultural Discussion
To help get the word out for its Creative City Cultural Policy Discussion Paper, the City of Sydney has enlisted…