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NORPA returns home to refurbished Lismore City Hall

Stage set for Frankenstein with $6 million dollar make-over of 1960s icon complete.


Australian Centre for Photography Director resigns

The Board of the Australian Centre for Photography announces resignation of Director Kon Gouriotis after less than two years.


Israeli cinema illuminated at AICE Israeli Film Festival

The program for Australia Israel Cultural Exchange’s (AICE) Israeli Film Festival has been announced.


Wanted: Couple to have sex for art

Tim Gregory's latest exhibition, Sawdust Sex, will be presented by Paper Mountain in Perth from July 27, but he needs…


Unfunded excellence money starts to flow

The new Australia Council peer assessment boards have begun giving out the much anticipated unfunded excellence money.


Artists beat the big guys with a little help from their lawyer friends

It took three years for an artist to win the right to use his own work from Sydney Olympics. That's…


Madman and Milk Shadow Books join forces

Madmen Entertainment partners up with quirky publishing house.


Growing orchestra receives $100,000 boost

The ACT Government will provide the Canberra Symphony Orchestra with an annual fund of $100,000.


Hollywood Costume wraps up ACMI’s best year yet

ACMI has recorded its largest ever visitation attracting more than 1.156 million visitors.


The importance of managing your collection

If you’re a serious collector or do it for love, making sure your art collection is well managed could save…

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