
Sydney Contemporary reveals Public Program
Sydney Contemporary has announced its public talks program, expanded gallery list and curatorial partnerships.

New direction for NT art centre
24HR Art changes its name and emerges as Northern Centre of Contemporary art with a new director at the helm.

Regional Victoria inspires multicultural voices
Melbourne-based ANE Writers group will undertake a week-long residency in Skipton later this month.

Unique creative spaces up for grabs
Applications are now open for subsidised accommodation in five City of Sydney properties.

aMBUSH commits to affordable Australian art
aMBUSH gallery keeps Australian art accessible with their newly live online stockroom.

Less philanthropic support for performing arts
Private sector support for Australia’s major performing arts companies fell in 2012 by 1.6% ($1.1 million) compared with 2011.

Commission links artists and not for profits
Stuart Ringholt, MUMA and the IMA receive Katherine Hannay Visual Arts Commission.

Queensland Theatre Company receives Reconciliation Award
Queensland Reconciliation Awards has announced the Queensland Theatre Company as this year’s winner of the Community Award.

Beautiful children and possum-skin cloaks
A new exhibition by local Koorie children is now on show at Melbourne Museum’s Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre.

What is Australia's favourite bookshop?
Vote for your favourite bookstore and you could win $500 worth of books.