
Turner prize winning artist in latest Kaldor Public Art Project
With no documentation of his works allowed, Tino Sehgal's performance art exists only in real-time and space.

Teachers offered a chance to get in on the act
Professional development takes a lighter tone in this comedy crash course run by the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

Female Director in Residence program now open
The Female Director in Residence Program is a stepping stone into the world of professional theatre.

Music education fails to hit the right note
A new report tabled by the Victorian Parliament has found that music education in Victoria is falling short.

Opera Australia gains coporate expertise
The recently reconfigured Board adds a new member to help meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.

Festival of Voices launches Hands On initiative
Growth and collaboration are on the cards in Tasmania with a new Marketing and Development Manger at the leading winter…

Bob Dylan exhibits his Mood Swings
The music legend is more than meets the ear, as is evident in his new sculptural exhibition.

Is Outsider Art finally over?
With the rise of Supported Studios globally and exhibitions placing Outsider Art in the mainstream, industry leaders met in Sydney

Ten Dicta for Young Women
Artist Hazel Dooney is in Melbourne this week producing her first major public art work Ten Dicta for Young Women…

What do you do with an award?
Awards are great for the ego but they don't do much for the decor.