Does Australian circus have a superpower?
From an innate spirit of innovation to kindness and community engagement, circus arts have a superpower all their own.
Sneaker boom: from grassroots to billion-dollar industry
HOTA’s latest international exhibition ‘Sneakers Unboxed’ details the influential people and iconic kicks behind the sneaker boom.
10 Australian arts podcasts for inspirational listening
These 10 podcasts deliver the latest arts news and examine the lives and works of some of Australia's inspirational artists.
Performing Lines Sector Day 2023
The annual conversation and discussion day for Tasmania-based creatives explored key initiatives and issues, while also welcoming new creatives to…
How to find your sweet spot with social media
Balancing the needs for inner peace with audience development is an ongoing struggle for artists and creatives. Here are some…
2024 Australian arts festival programs come into focus
From Adelaide Cabaret Festival to Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, here are more festival highlights for 2024.
‘Free the art!’: artist in dialogue with state collection highlights gaps in digital access
A recent artist residency has looked into levels of online access to artworks held in Australian art collections. The results…
The trajectory of remote First Nations fashion
First Nations fashion, from remote Australia, takes wearable art to city streets. Involvement in the sector has the potential for…
Take us as we are – empowering neurodivergent and disabled experiences in the arts
The arts industry has a long way to go in accommodating creatives and audiences who do not conform to dominant,…
Culture as a protective factor
Taking a look at developments in arts, health and well-being practice.