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Top arts prizes for 2013

Winning an award can give your career a huge boost. Put yourself out there and you could have shining trophy…


How to be a good audience

Performers train for years and rehearse for weeks. Is it too much to expect a little effort from audiences? Share…


Are you a bad artist?

How would you feel if your work was selected for the Museum of Bad Art? For some it's success of…


Stockholm calls Oz for Fringe Festival help

Australia’s long-running Melbourne Fringe Festival inspired a group of artists to launch Sweden’s Stockholm Fringe Festival.


Top 10 summer icons

What works of art best capture the quintessential Australian summer experience of sun, surf and long lazy days?


Julia Fredersdorff- Artistic Director

Melbourne born violinist Julia Fredersdorff is the Artistic Director of the Peninsula Summer Music Festival.


Top 10 YouTube videos of 2012

As we say goodbye to yet another year we take a look at what YouTube videos had all the world…


10 best places to work in 2013

Are you dreaming of a job environment with creative energy, passionate colleagues and support to produce great work? Here are…


2012: The year in the arts

We take a look at the way 2012 redefined assumptions in the arts sector as money, games and even sex…


Creative Generators call time in Queensland

Over the past three years the Creative Generators project has built capacity building creative capacities in five regions spanning Queensland.…

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