
Alice Glenn
Alice Glenn is a filmmaker, artist, dancer and co-founder of No Lights No Lycra.

Gutters to galleries: selling out or survival strategy?
With street art moving into the mainstream, we wonder if the spirit of defiance hasn't been exorcised.

Freeloading: don't call it piracy
Illegal downloads are starving creativity but attacking the consumer misses the point.

Can fashion film kill the catwalk star?
A new wave of Australian short fashion films is putting catwalks to the test as fashion designers find new audiences…

Breaking down the fourth wall
The invisible fourth wall between audiences and performers is made to be broken and theatre makers are doing just that.…

Bowie is back
It’s been a long wait for David Bowie fans but early critical reviews of his latest album promise that it…

VOTE ARTS puts politics in election
Country Arts WA is driving an all-parties VOTE ARTS campaign in the coming state election to secure sustainable arts funding…

When the show can’t go on
Cancellations are a last resort in the arts industry where the show must go on. But what when it can’t?

Ten days, ten towns, one island
From March 15 - 24, towns across Tasmania will become hives of artistic activity, with Ten Days on the Island…

New ways to make the most of crowdfunding
Crowdfunding took off last year but 2013 promises new opportunities to raise money for your project.