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Leisa Gibbons

Leisa Gibbons is an Australian Community records management consultant, digital cultural heritage PhD student and a general tech b


Tell Us a Story

As The Moth prepares to land at the Melbourne Writers Festival, we take a look at the revival of live…


Pay TV creates new opportunities for performing artists

From increased exposure to new ways of evaluating one’s own practise, TV work can be invaluable for artists.


Arts funding: which party gives more?

Who spends more on the arts: Labor or Liberal? The answer might surprise you, writes Ben Eltham.


Capturing the nerd audience

The mainstreaming of geek culture means the arts are now targeting the disposable income of a once-derided demographic.


When does a selfie become art?

The ubiquitous ‘selfie’ dominates social media, but how do we differentiate between a vanity snap and legitimate art?


Curating the future

A curator used to be a caretaker of objects. But now curators work with words, images and ideas often in…


Music monopoly runs into trouble with Competition Watchdog

APRA's $160 million monopoly is under the spotlight of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.


Getting serious about Australian music

Our live music scene is internationally renowned but threatened at home, a situation Dr Ianto Ware is keen to address.


Mike Jones

Mike Jones is an Australian Writer and Creative producer who works in both traditional and new media.

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