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Opus opens at Brisbane Festival in an Australian premiere

Circa Artistic Director and CEO Yaron Lifschitz previews the Australian premiere performance of Opus with the Quatuor Debussy.


Getting the right head shot

Sure you don’t want to be judged on your looks alone but for performers a head shot is essential and…


Luba Kazantseva

Aerial acrobat Luba Kazantseva is currently performing in Cirque du Soleil's Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL.


Paint wars: Graffiti v street art

Street artists may have been welcomed into the mainstream but taggers and writers are maintaining the rage. CDH is among…


Box office increases to $203 million for major performing arts

Audience figures and social media followers have increased with some surprising winners in a new OzCo report.


Todd Fuller

Todd Fuller is a 24 year old graduate of Sydney's National Art School. His practice encompasses drawing, painting, sculpture, animation…


Saving the book industry

The Collaborative Book Industry Council has prepared a roadmap for the industry. Will it be enough?


Seanne Farmer

Originally from Louisiana, Seanne Farmer is an experienced Stage Manager with a long career in the music industry.


Small performing arts orgs make it big globally - for a price

Small-to-medium Australian performing arts companies are enjoying a growing international reputation but at a high cost.


Working for the little guy

When you are starting out it can be worth working for a non-paying experimental or student project. But do it…

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