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Should you study arts management?

Arts managers used to be creative wannabes who drifted into support roles. Now they need to be highly trained professionals.


Australia's newest art fair set to soar

Pacific Rim focus defines Sydney Contemporary, Australia’s newest art fair that is set to open this Thursday.


Iron ore and art: an unlikely marriage

Iron ore and art: an unlikely marriage


Porn or persecution: the real Paul Yore story

The arts community bites back over nanny state politics and irresponsible reporting that have plagued the Paul Yore child pornography…


Breaking out of the multicultural ghetto

Multiculturalism is not a feelgood word to all the culturally diverse artists meeting at the Kultour Gathering at Brisbane Multicultural…


Hamish Fletcher

He's created culinary-based puppetry and taken shows internationally, yet Hamish Fletcher is in denial that he works in the arts.


Selling brand Australia

Australia has a potent cultural brand trademarked by vitality, confidence and humour but we don’t understand the strength of our…


Shakespeare in Dutch... and English-speakers love it

Adelaide Festival has unveiled an unlikely coup: five hours of Shakespeare in Dutch that was lapped up in London and…


New York, new money

If you can make it there... Australian arts managers take some peelings from the Big Apple and lift their fundraising…


Creative professional development

Creativity is not just a product. It also needs to inform the way you manage resource, especially human resources.

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