All that (Australian) jazz
With jazz festivals over the next few months from Perth to Devonport , we listen out for an identifiable Australian…
How to find a mentor
You don't have to make your career decisions alone. The right mentor can give you the benefit of their experience,…
Museums in the digital age
London's Natural History Museum has five million visitors through the door each year but twice that through smart social media.
Photography Centre quits Queensland for LA
The Queensland Centre for Photography shuts its doors this week in the wake of funding cuts but it intends to…
How to win a writing prize
Former winners and honorees of the Monash Prize share their tips on entering a literary competition.
Are career expos a waste of time?
Are career expos valuable resources in decision-making for your future study and job prospects or are they just promotional tools…
Conservation in the iPad age
Once conservators needed to know about paper and canvas, now they manage everything from bark paintings to magnetic tape.
Is Comic Neue the new Comic Sans – sans the comedy?
Can Comic Neue save the most hated font out there?
How to raise big money for a specific purpose
Chutzpah, nous and planning are the keys to a successful fundraising campaign.
Community arts youth-saturated
Funding models are driving community arts practitioners towards working with young people, at the expense of other segments of the…