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Emerging Writers Festival expands to Adelaide

Firmly focused on writers instead of readers, this hands-on festival aims to energise Adelaide’s already active literary culture.


Australia Council has turned its Grants Program on its head

They said they’d listened; and yesterday they delivered. The AusCo’s restructured Grants Program is less convoluted but lacks detail. How…


So you want to be a humour therapist?

Clown doctors, humour therapists and laugher professionals use creative and psychological strategies to improve lives.


We need ABS arts and sports data to understand our culture

The vital role played by arts volunteers may soon be rendered invisible by impending Australian Bureau of Statistics changes.


Regional galleries proved to add value

A recent report by M&G NSW confirms that cultural venues in Evocities have bolstered regional domestic product and household income…


The Brisbane Declaration: a blueprint for the musical world

The vulnerability of local music traditions in an increasingly globalised world is a major challenge for 21st century musicians.


Top 10 unmissables at the Melbourne Art Fair

From live performances to a salt-of-the-earth recreation of a supermarket, this year’s Melbourne Art Fair has surprises galore. And this…


The rise of the Art Advisor

With galleries increasingly under pressure, and universities pumping out a stream of arts professionals, other job options are flourishing as…


Active arts engagement the key to healthier living

In light of Australia’s looming obesity crisis, engaging with the arts is more important than ever before, especially given the…


Survive in the art world: market the brand, sell the product

In the modern world artists are pushed to market themselves and sell their artistic output.

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