Arts activism for refugees
Arts activist Scotia Monkivitch has devised performances and installations to poetically engage the public in a dialogue and bring to…
The best councils for the arts: ACT, NT and TAS
We’ve clocked up the frequent flyer points to bring you this final slice of the best arts regions for NT,…
The pros and cons of profit share
It’s a common contract among indie theatre-makers, but the prevalence of profit share agreements also warrants some concern.
Collecting art on a budget
It might be hard to believe, but you don’t need a cool 10K to kick off an art collection. Here’s…
Consolidated evidence shows value of the arts
Multiple studies prove the arts improve health, education and economic outcomes, a review of 90 research projects has shown.
Plugging the gaps in arts value research
Despite more than 500 studies, reviewers say better research is needed to convince policy-makers that strong arts activity generates happier,…
Depression, cancer, grief...lining up to be made miserable
Why do we plumb life’s darkest depths to make our art – and why do audiences seek out such experiences?
Goal setting for creative businesses
Effective goal-setting takes more skill, discipline and self-awareness than simply following your dreams and expecting the universe to deliver.
How to identify your market segment
Understanding Culture Segments can help galleries and arts organisations identify, engage, attract and keep audiences coming through their doors.
The best councils for the arts: SA
Here’s our latest profile of the top South Australian regions for all things art. Stay tuned for our final series…