
Art you have to be sick to see
Public hospitals across Australia hold significant art collections putting some of our most significant artists to work as remote therapists.

Placing not plonking: developers and public art
Developers need to do more than commission public art, they need to make it work with the city.

Attracting new audiences to contemporary dance
By turns abstract and emotive, celebratory and confronting, contemporary dance can be a difficult art form to sell to audiences.

Digging for art in the garden
From Monet's water lilies to Kahlo's cacti, the garden is a seductive subject for artists, contemporary as well as classical.

Using neuroscience to stimulate creativity
Tapping into the science of the brain enables creatives to overcome blocks and release potential.

Talking dirty: the truth about teenage boys and porn
Out of the bedroom and onto the stage! Teenagers reveal what they really see.

21 Australian classics you should have read
Reading 'Seven Little Australians' and 'My Brilliant Career' isn't enough to call yourself a well-read Australian. Score yourself.

Manhattan or Screwdriver? Museums mix a new cocktail
Is the rise of the private museum just a boon for culture or does it make it harder for public…

Avoiding the over-promisers
Even the most successful crowdfunding campaigns can over-promise and under deliver.

Fringe themes reveal contemporary artistic concerns
Open access Fringe Festivals don’t just allow artists of all stripes to showcase new works; they also provide a snapshot…