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How arts leaders survive bleak times

Arts managers share the secrets of their resilience in the face of funding cuts and constant uncertainty.


The risky business of political theatre

Sometimes derided, in the right hands political theatre can be a powerful call to arms.


Kids are a gateway drug to the arts

Many parents are taking their kids to the theatre and galleries, often for the first time themselves.


How to heal yourself with art

A book, film, or painting may be just the prescription you need to overcome anxiety, grief, depression, lethargy or ordinary…


Last tango with ethics

Revelations this week about the filming of The Last Tango in Paris raise broader issues for the ethics of hoodwinking…


What are festivals for?

As the number of arts festivals across Australia mushroom, is it time to consider the point of such cultural clustering?


No pathway for disabled actors

If a casting director needs to cast an able-bodied actor to play a disabled character much of the blame lies…


Do women make better curators?

A burst of female couplings prompts us to wonder whether gender matters when pairing artists and curators.


Terra nullis for Indigenous mural

A prominent mural in Bondi Beach celebrating renowned Indigenous Rights activists has been whitewashed – literally.


Arts org wins as human rights leader

Arts and social change company Big hART has been awarded the Tasmanian Human Rights Award for Organisation of the Year.

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