You've got (art) mail
Stop bemoaning the loss of elegant letter writing. There are ways to make art out of email and text messages.
The arts could revive our still-born national identity
We need the arts if Australian identity is to be anything more than pallid myths of self sacrifice and chest-thumping…
The art of death in an age of denial
Artists have always painted skulls and confronted mortality but now such work is more important than ever.
'I had no idea that art could be a career'
Growing up in the suburbs, many students don't even know there are options to develop their artistic talents and passions.
It's different in this city
Arts festivals reflect place, requiring artists and directors to understand the very different personalities of Australian cities.
How to write a successful grant application
15 steps to writing the grant application that has the best chance of bringing home the money you need.
Crossing the print /digital divide
Video didn't kill the radio star and digital hasn't killed print. But they are still learning to get along.
Today the inner city, tomorrow the world
Options for touring innovative works aren’t just limited to the hipster belts of Australia’s major cities.
8 tricks to make your pitch successful
Capture attention for the right reasons with this guide on how to pitch your article.
Theatre can only survive if it’s eventful
Performances should disrupt audience’s comfortable schedules and be more playful if the art form is to survive, says renowned director…