
Sydney's Cloud Arch critics and our mean-spirited approach to public art
Australians displays a consistently miserly approach to public art, with typically miniscule budgets requiring artists to respond with agility to…

Ladies and gentlemen of the audience: what is your verdict?
Audience members get to vote in courtroom dramas which pit our need for entertainment against a range of contemporary legal…

Friday essay: why libraries can and must change
In the age of the globalisation of everything – and the privatisation of everything else – libraries can and must…

Why the arts sector loves long lead announcements
Revealing the centrepiece of your program months in advance has become a common tactic, but what value do such announcements…

Fringe themes reveal artists’ deepest concerns
Open access festivals like Sydney Fringe and Melbourne Fringe provide a snapshot of the current cultural zeitgeist.

How to create an Australasian city
Arts organisations committed to long-term cultural engagement with the Asia-Pacific have transformed Brisbane; Bjelke-Petersen would barely recognise his old fiefdom.

Long term collaboration reaps rich rewards
The 31 year creative partnership between Susie Dee and Patricia Cornelius shows no signs of slowing down.

Exchange, don't appropriate
Is cultural appropriation a racist act or just run-away political correctness? And how can the arts ensure a more sensitive…

When smaller is better
The impact of an arts festival is easily diffused in a major population centre. If you want your festival to…

Monumental errors: how Australia can fix its racist colonial statues
Australia is littered with monuments to old wars and colonial victors, but where are the monuments to the Frontier Wars…