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Wellbeing tips for surviving a gruelling festival season Part 1: Adelaide Fringe

How do artists and arts workers juggle self-care with the rigours of Adelaide Fringe, including heatwaves, late nights and gigging…

Joining the oversaturated podcast market can be daunting, but podcasts still offer unique marketing opportunities.

Is it worth launching a podcast in 2025? – 3 rules for artists

A far cry from the days of homespun projects, launching a podcast in 2025 can potentially create a new marketing…

The original 2023 season of 'Monumental' at Brunswick Picture House.

How circus arts strengthen young people’s mental health and social connections, new report details

The report, commissioned by Spaghetti Circus and conducted by Patternmakers, has national implications.

A black and white photograph, taken in 1962, of a large modern light-filled gallery space showing an exhibition with paintings on the walls and sculptures installed in the space. There are three well-dressed people in the gallery looking at the art.

Short history of Australian artists at Venice Biennale reveals some irony within current furore

What does an eye over the history reveal about the Creative Australia Board’s recent Venice Biennale decision?

An earlier iteration of 'Space-Out Competition' in Seoul. The free, participatory game comes to Melbourne for RISING 2025.

RISING launches full festival program for June 2025

Melbourne’s winter festival RISING is “proudly challenging and uncompromisingly inclusive,” according to its co-Artistic Directors.

The latest request from Black Inc Books has only fueled the fire on AI controversy in the creative arts.

Industry shocked after Black Inc Books asks writers to consent to AI licence

The Melbourne publisher wants its writers to agree to their work being used to train AI.

Steve Young's macrophotography focuses on ancient life barely a micron in size. Here: the metatrichica floraformis. Image: Steve Young

Groundbreaking macrophotography offers glimpse into Queensland's prehistory

In deep regional Queensland, a retired commercial photographer is finding new life in macrophotography, focusing on ancient life.

Artists like Frank McCourt and Grandma Moses became well-known very late in life. (Image: WikiArt)

From Grandma Moses to Frank McCourt: it's never too late for artistic success

History is littered with artists who found success late in life, including writers such as Frank McCourt. Here's a list…

A scene from Forced Entertainment's 'Complete Works: Table Top Shakespeare' at Adelaide Festival 2025.

If all the world’s a stage, why can’t the stage be a Shakespearean table top?

Forced Entertainment’s Tim Etchells describes the inspiration for and the development of the company’s ‘Complete Works: Table Top Shakespeare’.

Man smiling to camera. So you want my arts job

So you want my arts job: Hollywood casting director

Hollywood Casting Director Paul Weber is visiting Australia. He shares with ArtsHub what it takes to succeed in this role.

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