
Digital art guide to beat coronavirus closures
From virtual exhibitions and livestreamed concerts to online art auctions, this is our guide to how art is going digital…

Arts: Healing balms for a sick world
Professor Peter O’Connor has long been an advocate of art's importance in healing after trauma. Here, he gives his views…

Why the elderly need art and connection more than ever
For those in aged care, COVID-19 has created a barrier because of social distancing. Visitors aren’t allowed in for obvious…

Laughing through iso: Aussie comedians online
Even through troubling times these comedians prove that laughter is always the best kind of medicine.

5 tips for wellbeing in lockdown
Psychologist and soprano Greta Bradman, a member of the Arts Wellbeing Collective Advisory Group, offers up some simple advice about…

How creatives are adapting their arts practice during lockdown
Whether it’s a balcony performance, hosting an online class, or just making something out of household items, our readers have…

Zoom's security scandals: what users need to know
As the videoconferencing tool gains popularity during COVID-19, we look over the privacy issues you should know about.

Exit Interview: Izzy Roberts-Orr, Emerging Writers' Festival
After leaving her role as AD of Emerging Writers' Festival, Roberts-Orr reflects on her career highlights and the next challenge.

11 dos and don'ts of videoconferencing
COVID-19 has brought about a period of intense adjustment in relation to the way we communicate, particularly in terms of…

COVID-19 has been a boon for crafts
Who’d have thought a pandemic would trigger a global renaissance for the craft sector, as a balm for both the…