
Slamming shut a window of possibility: youth theatre in crisis
Artistic directors of three youth theatre companies from three different states reflect on a sector in crisis and call for…

Boards wrestle with transitional funding
The announcement that several small to medium arts organisations would receive a year of transitional funding from the Australia Council…

The frontline pressure points are different for the regional arts sector
In regional areas, isolation is not new or novel. Rather, the impact on volunteer-led orgs and festivals which drive tourism…

Artists in iso: Tony Albert
Bunkered down in Brissy with his nieces, artist Tony Albert puts two major exhibitions on hold and pivots to homeschooling…

How to make money from digital projects
Leveraging an existing community or developing a mass giving strategy are some ways organisations can earn revenue online.

Finding the vocabulary for the future: Wesley Enoch on cultural leadership in crisis
In these pandemic times, cultural leadership is changing. Associate Professor Lizzie Muller sat down with Sydney Festival Director Wesley Enoch…

Teaching in isolation is intense: Four perspectives
A VFX animation teacher, primary school teacher and two academics talk about their experience and give tips for survival.

How Regional Arts Australia secured an extra $10 million for the sector
Changing the narrative was integral to obtaining an additional $10 million for the rural, regional and remote sector, which will…

How culture can help you through dark times
Arts improve mental health. Megan Sheehy looks at ways the arts can help from virtual dance parties to everyday haiku.

Defunding the sector’s R&D arm sounds a warning note for the future
With the stroke of a pen, the Australia Council has defunded the theatre companies who collectively serve as the sector's…