
The urgent need for cultural policy
COVID-19 should be a chance to re-imagine arts policy but government has been ignoring it for too long.

Connecting through kindness
Isolation has become our new normal because of COVID-19, but psychologist Trisnasari Fraser argues that random acts of corona-kindness may…

Post-pandemic pick-me-ups: great art will show the way
Art inspires, consoles, teaches empathy, and gives perspective and meaning. Here, creatives from across the country look beyond our current…

Classical music must stop obsessing about young audiences, says ASQ's Sharon Grigoryan
As she prepares to leave the Australian String Quartet after seven years, cellist Sharon Grigoryan reflects on the highs and…

Widespread sexual assault in music industry leads to bold new campaign
A new set of guidelines has been developed by Australian music industry representatives to stamp out incidents of sexual assault…

Finding your Window of Tolerance
If you feel like you've been in survival mode during this pandemic, you're not alone. The Window of Tolerance is…

Illustrator connects with Bruce Pascoe new kid’s book
When taking on the task of illustrating Bruce Pascoe’s new children’s book, Kestin Award winner Charmaine Ledden-Lewis found connections with…

A creative's guide to ditching FOMO and social media comparison
Ever made a 'Have Done List'? Lynnaire MacDonald has some helpful tips on how to take back control of your…

Crowd sourced, feminist project explores Craftivism in COVID
As violence – and the silence around it – spikes during COVID, a new project uses craftivism to give voice…

Why we’ll need great art more than ever after COVID-19
From around the country, artists and arts workers reflect on why the post-pandemic world will need art more than ever.