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Easter school holiday film and streaming guide 2022

Sort the whole family out with our streaming and movie guide for the school holidays.


Brit who gets Australian placemaking right

Survey exhibition of British artist Bruce Munro, taps into unique Australian placemaking, from our Red Centre to our cities.


Vale The Saints' Chris Bailey

John Willsteed pays tribute to Chris Bailey, a 'gentleman with the mad soul of an Irish convict poet’ and acknowledges…


5 tips before touring: a holistic view

Australasian Dance Collective shares their top tips to navigate the many moving parts of touring.


From emerging to mid-career: Advice from artists

Building on the momentum is important, but so is being patient, developing self-worth and grounding your practice for a sustainable…


Hannah Gadsby on being an autistic queer comedian

RMIT PhD candidate Clem Bastow discusses comedian Hannah Gadsby’s new book, Ten Steps to Nanette, and how it relates her…

Three yellow balloons, with two having smiley faces
Career Advice

A cure for toxic positivity

What does a positive workplace look like? Beyond the motivational posters, lunchtime yoga, we spoke to two experts about toxic…


Cultural tourism that breaks down elitism

When cultural tourism is turning the bucket list into a ‘can do’ to do list

acmi women in games codebreakers

Celebrating women in games gives hope for the future

Exhibits like Code Breakers: Women in Games represent hope for a new generation of women in the games industry.


APT10 artists talk future

Artists part of the 10th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art joins in discussion around the power to imagine futures,…

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