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a large music concert crowd and stage with small fireworks being set off.

Artswashing dilemma continues to plague festivals

Darwin Festival is the latest arts organisation to fall afoul of protestors demanding the festival divest itself from a sponsorship…


Why the dance sector needs its own union

While many companies act with integrity, working conditions for freelance dancers can still be fraught. Could a dancersā€™ union change…


Want to be an actor? Jerome Velinsky says ā€˜donā€™t wait for the callā€™

Jerome Velinsky has acted in live-action series, voice video game characters, and written and directed his own series. So what's…


Views on the future for emerging GLAM professionals

Maintaining relevance in the next 10 years comes down to accessibility, digital transformation and the social function of museums.


How the arts excel at communicating big ideas

The distinctions between law and justice are explored in a new Street Theatre production inspired by the capture of drug…

People standing in a James Turrell light artwork

ACMIā€™s latest exhibition unpacks light as both phenomena and subject

ACMI's new light exhibition pushes you around ā€“ mentally ā€“ like a rag doll, wowed by a roll call of…


The pros and cons of recording audiobooks

Are you thinking about recording your book? We invited authors and industry professionals to speak of their experiences working with…

Arts crypto philanthropy

Is your arts org crypto-ready?

Cryptocurrency has the potential to open up a new world of philanthropy, here are some key considerations for arts organisations.


Why the music of Kate Bush spans generations

Her resurgent popularity shows that Kate Bush is seemingly unfettered by the restrictions of both time nor space, writes Lorna…

A gender diverse group of cabaret artists.

Creating COVID-safe audience participation on stage

How does an artform thatā€™s reliant on intimacy and audience participation adapt to COVID-safe protocols?

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