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Automated plagiarism: Furore over ‘computer’ winning art prize

Turf wars between artists and AI generators - a topic that is the tip of an iceberg worthy of a…

Evasion Score II (Domestic Security), 2021. Image: Roslyn Orlando

Digital intimacies and echoes in space

Roslyn Orlando's work explores connection and togetherness in the digital realm.


Flooded theatre; the show goes on... in a pub

NORPA’s love letter to the region is a testament to the company’s ongoing resilience and fortitude.


Putting the arts in the Jobs and Skills Summit agenda

What the Jobs and Skills Summit means (or doesn't) for the arts' future employment opportunities.


Festival that makes the digital a physical experience

BLEED ‘22 stages its second iteration in a hybrid model to examine what digital works can teach us about physical…

two mature dancers with floral headdresses

Older dance artists allow intergenerational stories to blossom

Hobart’s elder ensemble brings the weight of long lives to a physical theatre work on remembering those lost.


Does the publishing industry glorify bright young things?

There's been ample support for young writers in terms of targeted opportunities and awards but what about later bloomers?


Placing community at a festival’s heart while reaching for the stars

Brisbane Festival’s Louise Bezzina wants to redefine what a festival can and should be.


Precinct redevelopment sets a precedent for community consultation

The latest additions to Queensland’s Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct include a Living Museum, designed to showcase and celebrate locals…

a gallery space showing an installation work by Aboriginal artists of totemic poles

How does your State Gallery show its permanent collection?

What’s the size of your State Gallery’s art collection? And how do they display these works?

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