Education & Student News

Aboriginal art in the classroom: state gallery model proving welcome support
Educational resources developed by the Art Gallery of South Australia are having nationwide impacts.

Why we fail when we talk about talent
Using the word 'talented' as praise and encouragement devalues hard work, skill and learned ability. We need to use better…

Schools Spectacular will celebrate 40 years of school performing talent
The theme this year is 'FabuloUS' as the world's largest amateur variety show brings together 5500 students from 400 schools…

This primary school’s a circus … and its results are no joke
This clever partnership shows how circus classes are not about clowning around, but a model with important skills outcomes for…

A thriving forest of poetry
A record number of poetic entries in this year's POEM FOREST competition will result in over 6400 seedlings planted.

Opportunities and awards
New award for playwrights, regional artist development, plus winners of The Reading Prize 2023, Performing Arts WA Awards, and Prime…

So you want my arts job: Art Teacher, Costume and Jewellery Designer
Anna Kolusniewski runs a successful business teaching art classes for children and adults, while also creating stunning wearable pieces on…

Opportunities and awards
Major $300,000 commission calling for artists, HOTA ArtKeeper returns, plus winners of Patrick White Literary Award and Artspace studio artists…

ACMI announces new programs for teachers and students for 2024
Amping up the digital literacy and creativity of students and teachers is a key focus for the national museum for…

Breasts in art: a tender celebration
Revered, adored, feared – breasts are rarely just another body part in art. For Breast Cancer Awareness Month we take…