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Career Advice

Career Advice

Arts recruitment for sector recovery

Changing expectations and a competitive job market means that recruiters need to think differently.

Career Advice

Making your organisation carbon neutral

To coincide with COP26, we look at how you can make your venue and practices more carbon neutral.

a group of young students sitting at an outdoor table studying
Career Advice

Where an arts degree can take you

Arts degrees have a bad reputation when it comes to employability. But their value to the arts workforce is worth…

Career Advice

Tips for artist branding

Compelling storytelling lies at the heart of branding and can help artists strengthen their audience connection.

Career Advice

So you want my arts job: Art Installer

Mona’s Collection and Exhibition Preparator shares how he shifted from hospitality into the arts and why he finds cat mummies…

A man with a colourful background and the word Artists Essentials Toolkit - Making a Podcast
Career Advice

Artists Essentials Toolkit #11: Making a podcast

In our latest Artists Essentials Toolkit video, we look at how to create a podcast from recording to sending your…

Career Advice

Hit centre stage with online auditions

Nailing the setup and a little mental prep can relieve some of the stress of auditioning at home.

girl under sprinkler
Career Advice

7 tips for languishing creatives

Let go of the long winter languish with these simple strategies from Emmy and AACTA Award-winning producer turned coach Ellenor…

Career Advice

Cover letters to shine from the get-go

Ever imagined your cover letter sinking to the bottom of the ocean? Check out these tips to help bring out…

Career Advice

Exit interview: Elizabeth Rogers, Regional Arts NSW

Leading with tireless energy, Elizabeth Rogers has grown Regional Arts NSW over her 15 year tenure.

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