Career Advice

Should you have a career plan?
Arts careers are notoriously erratic but fortune favours the prepared mind. Successful people reveal the way they have balanced directing…

Conquering the fear of entrepreneurship
Turning artists into entrepreneurs is a matter of creating opportunity and developing skills.

The best places for artists to learn business skills
As an artist, you need to learn business skills. But what kind of training is a good use of your…

Eight tips for working with friends
Is working with friends a good idea? Dynamic duos share the keys to creating a flourishing friendships collaboration.

Flexibility the new norm in the workplace
With more women entering or returning to the workforce, employers who are leading the way on gender equality understand that…

How to make money from writing
Advances and word rates have plummeted so it takes many income streams to make a living as a writer.

Roadblocks on the path to publication
Approaching publishers with a completed manuscript can be a daunting task for authors. This sneak peek of Writers Victoria's publishing…

Writing a perfect query letter
A good query letter should entice an agent or editor to read your work. Here's how to master the art…

Creative courage: 10 tips for finding, building and working it
We take a look at how to bolster your creative courage or rediscover it when it goes AWOL.

How to land an agent...and avoid the dodgy ones
Know how to find an agent who will help who will help your career without fleecing you.