Career Advice

Transferring your skills
Think your music degree is only useful for performance? Think again. Tune your resume for success in the wider world…

Stop constant fundraising
Revamp your business model and break free of the curse of endless reactive fundraising.

How to make the most of APAM
The Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) is an annual chance to showcase your wares. A gig on the official program…

Are you a worker bee or an inspiring arts leader?
Leadership is a different game from managing and doing. It is a way of being much more than a job…

Dos and Don'ts of working with boards
When running an arts organisation, the board of directors can be your inspiration or your bête noire.

Is originality over-rated?
In the age of the mash-up, adaptations, reappropriations and covers can provide a more viable stream of work than doing…

Over-programming puts arts workers at risk of burnout
Doing too much can give you an adrenaline rush but it comes at a long term cost.

Could you be a creative consultant?
As creativity becomes capital, paving a career as a creative consultant may help you harness your arts and humanities based…

You don’t need a five-year plan, you need a horizon
How to break down the starving artist myths and give mindful support for blazing your own flexible, dependable path.

Seven steps to building your confidence
More than most fields, success in the arts depends on having the confidence to choose your own path and stick…