Career Advice
Why we are burning out in the arts
Working long hours for low pay, fighting for budgets and the emotional exhaustion tied to creative output are a recipe…
Never ever need the job
Actors must be experts not just in acting but in how they approach an audition and that means developing detachment…
How to make a living through teaching your craft
Workshops sharing skills are big business. Master teaching and you can build a reliable revenue stream to support your creative…
10 reasons you haven’t made it as an artist
Sometimes it can be just as helpful to discover what you are not in order to determine what you are.…
What to do if you are multi-passionate
Having multiple passions and interests is often seen as a negative trait when we are expected to finesse our skills…
Should you have a career plan?
Arts careers are notoriously erratic but fortune favours the prepared mind. Successful people reveal the way they have balanced directing…
Conquering the fear of entrepreneurship
Turning artists into entrepreneurs is a matter of creating opportunity and developing skills.
The best places for artists to learn business skills
As an artist, you need to learn business skills. But what kind of training is a good use of your…
Eight tips for working with friends
Is working with friends a good idea? Dynamic duos share the keys to creating a flourishing friendships collaboration.
Flexibility the new norm in the workplace
With more women entering or returning to the workforce, employers who are leading the way on gender equality understand that…