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The cover titles of six books: 'Dirt Poor Islanders', 'Liar's Test, 'Model Minority Gone Rogue', '12 Days of a bush Christmas' and '36 Ways of Writing a Vietnamese Poem' arranged on a black background.

12 underrated books in 2024 by PoC you need to read

A dozen books by Australian PoC writers to read and to gift.

Line of old fashioned colourful letterboxes. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We report it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Woman with short dark hair reading newspaper in soft lighting. Arts news

This week's arts news and trending topics

We report it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

a grey sign that says "possibility everywhere"
Career Advice

How I manage my portfolio career in the arts (part 1)

How do some of the best arts multi-taskers in the business do it? ArtsHub profiles a selection of portfolio career…

Illuminated face within a space suit looking sky wards. Arts news

This week's arts news and trending topics

We report it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Woman covering her face and peeking through fingers. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We report it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

image of a women with face reflected in pool of water as a horizon line. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We report it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Old fashion speakers on top of pole against clear blue sky. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We report it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

Woman sitting on a stool at waters edge, fully dressed with a laptop. Arts news.

This week's arts news and trending topics

We report it – you read it. This week's top arts news stories.

drawing of brain being erased

23 creative stories to elevate one from the cloud of dementia

The arts can lead in extending a quality of life for people living with dementia.

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