Western Australia

Kaarla Kaatijin
The first of a trilogy of elemental Dreamings to be presented by Yirra Yaakin, Kaarla Kaatijin sets a high standard…

The Agony, the Ecstasy & i
A fascinating idea, exploring issues of worker exploitation in a global economy through dance, but the message gets lost in…

A Number
A thoughtfully composed script presented with all the intelligence and ambiguity that it deserves.

Henry 4
A carefully planned and skilfully executed adaptation, not a cut-and-paste Shakespeare for the masses.

Handel’s Messiah – Dublin Version 1742
Joseph Nolan has directed a stupendous musical experience, with minimal performer numbers but maximum musical intensity.

The latest work from Perth’s pvi collective encourages you to break free from accepted modes of thinking about place, routine,…

The eighth Keela was a dream festival
Perfect weather provided the perfect backdrop for the eighth Keela Dreaming Festival to celebrate Noongar art, music, sport and culture.

Emerging Aboriginal artists’ showcase Revealed
Revealed is an exhibition, marketplace, symposium and professional development program all in one.

Black Swan broadcasts live to the regions
Black Swan’s production of The Importance of Being Earnest is the third they have broadcast live to regional audiences.

There may be something rotten in the state of Denmark, but not in this Barking Gecko and WAAPA co-production of…