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Western Australia


Beyond Reality 2.0: Magic and Illusion

Beyond Reality's magic illusions needs a few nips and tucks.

Opinions & Analysis

Arts fly under election radar

Election campaigns are often obsessed with infrastructure. Investing in a creative society is cheaper and just as important.


Zephyr Quartet: Arrivals

topical Arrivals theme exploring notions of migration to Australia by boat.


Project Xan

A powerful confronting work that highlights rape culture utilising real court transcript.


Things I Learnt About Feminism

Things I Learnt About Feminism takes a bold approach but allows quiet reflection at UWA Gallery.


Frankenstein: Some Assembly Required

WA's new Feet First Collective creates an immersive theatre experience in old Fremantle.


Boodjar Kaatijin

Yirra Yaakin's latest production is aimed squarely at engaging with and enriching the learning of the children of WA.


Molière's Tartuffe

Black Swan Theatre is outstanding in Kate Cherry’s directorial farewell of re-imagined Tartuffe’s Moliere.


Western Australia launches new vision for the arts

Strategic Directions 2016-2031 is Western Australia's first long-term vision for the arts and culture sector.


Cyborg Pianist

World premiere by Zubin Kanga, startling new piano music at WAAPA deserves wider audience.

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