
Houston Ballet's Romeo and Juliet
Stanton Welch's choreography brings ballet into the 21st century.

Einstein: Master of the Universe
a fun and entertaining story that pierces the idealised myth of genius.

Too clever for its own good.

The Big HOO-HAA!
A feast of improv talent from some of Melbourne's best and brightest comedy performers.

The Events
A poignant and affecting story about a grotesque act of violence performed with a live choir on stage every night.

Nederlands Dans Theater
One of the world’s great dance companies perform a mesmerising triple bill in this exclusive Melbourne season.

Hana Maru
New kids on the Indie block, Hana Maru, launch their debut album with a bang.

The Honey Bees
An insightful and engrossing piece of theatre to add to Red Stitch’s ever-growing repertoire of local successes.

Myths block grant success for craft practitioners
Myths about funding criteria are preventing craft practitioners getting their fair share of funding.

The latest Circus Oz show has been regionally road-tested before opening in Melbourne; it’s tight, terrific and thrilling.