
Review: Melbourne Theatre Company's A View From the Bridge
A masterful production that should become a classic.

Stand Up! grants honour memory & promise of comedian Eurydice Dixon
The new grants program aims to support local women in comedy by covering the practical costs of mounting their shows…

Book Review: A Season on Earth by Gerald Murnane
A fantastic introduction for serious fiction readers and a panoramic view of one of Melbourne's most important literary characters.

Review: Yo, Carmen, Arts Centre Melbourne
Bizet’s opera reimagined with a contemporary flamenco flare and an emphatic declaration of freedom.

Review: People Suck: A Musical Airing of Grievances
With the potential to become something of a cult-classic, People Suck does well to deliver an entertaining piece of theatre.

New home for independent arts as Melbourne Fringe takes over Trades Hall
After 17 years at North Melbourne Town Hall, the Fringe is taking over the license of the Trades Hall bar.…

Review: 33 Variations, Comedy Theatre
Oscar, Emmy, Tony and Golden Star winning actress Ellen Burstyn makes her Australian stage debut, a centrepiece of the show…

Why Victoria needs a real Centre for Youth Literature
Since the State Library of Victoria has "retired" the Centre for Youth Literature, Mike Shuttleworth argues that we should look…

Book Review: Exploded View by Carrie Tiffany
The strange and dangerous psychological space Tiffany inhabits focuses on small details that make up the whole.

Book Review: What I Like About Me by Jenna Guillaume
Guillaume's debut YA novel chooses to uplift rather than shoot teenagers in a barrel. And that's laudable.