John Safran - Murder in Mississippi
An intriguing story for both those who have and haven't read the book.
A British bloke’s guide to being a man
A storyteller rather than a comic, Matt Price never loses his audience as he moves from outrageously funny to the…
Yoshi's Castle
Yoshi's Castle suffers from the side-effects of proliferation but remains a solid piece of theatre.
Allan Girod holds his audience captive with nothing but stories.
Where Tatterdemalion lacks polish, it overflows with genuine playfulness and originality.
Sami Shah: Separation Anxiety
Bread-and-butter comedy fare with added chutney from a Pakistani Australian provides a good night's entertainment.
Frisky and Mannish: #JUSTTOOMUCH
Moving from audience education to celebrity excess, Frisky & Mannish make a welcome return to FringeWorld
Frank, the Mind-reading Hotdog
Tricks of the mind, served up with squirts of sauce, mustard and terrible jokes
DivaLicious: Opera Rocks
Penny Shaw and Fiona Cooper Smyth are incredibly versatile opera singers with a fabulous flair for comedy and glamour.
Venus in Fur
Brilliant acting, Venus in Fur deftly intermingles the presentation of two separate plays, while a subtle third story line slowly…