Movin' Melvin Brown presents Me and Otis
High energy Movin' Melvin Brown highlights great soul singer Otis Redding at Fringe World 2017.
A Prudent Man
Lyall Brooks impresses with his solo enactment of a contemporary politician in A Prudent Man.
Creativity Project
Conventional skills are not enough to make this circus show compelling.
Djuki Mala brings birds out of the bush
Fantastically talented and dedicated Yolngu dancers.
Chopin’s Last Tour
A well written story of Chopin’s last year of life.
The Trapeze Act by Libby Angel
The Trapeze Act treads the high wire with some unbelievable characters.
Beyond Reality 2.0: Magic and Illusion
Beyond Reality's magic illusions needs a few nips and tucks.
Things I Learnt About Feminism
Things I Learnt About Feminism takes a bold approach but allows quiet reflection at UWA Gallery.
Frankenstein: Some Assembly Required
WA's new Feet First Collective creates an immersive theatre experience in old Fremantle.
Boodjar Kaatijin
Yirra Yaakin's latest production is aimed squarely at engaging with and enriching the learning of the children of WA.