Einstein: Master of the Universe
a fun and entertaining story that pierces the idealised myth of genius.
Too clever for its own good.
The Big HOO-HAA!
A feast of improv talent from some of Melbourne's best and brightest comedy performers.
The Events
A poignant and affecting story about a grotesque act of violence performed with a live choir on stage every night.
Nederlands Dans Theater
One of the world’s great dance companies perform a mesmerising triple bill in this exclusive Melbourne season.
Hana Maru
New kids on the Indie block, Hana Maru, launch their debut album with a bang.
The Honey Bees
An insightful and engrossing piece of theatre to add to Red Stitch’s ever-growing repertoire of local successes.
The latest Circus Oz show has been regionally road-tested before opening in Melbourne; it’s tight, terrific and thrilling.
Flames Within – The Consort of Melbourne
An interesting program draws a crowd of enthusiasts for this recital by a first-rate Australian professional vocal ensemble.
Bach in the Castle of Heaven
A solid effort by this good-quality chamber choir negotiating a large and exhausting program.