
The critical impact of music and performance engagement
Collaborative work and industry contacts play a starring role in this Monash University course.

Extra $241M for arts precinct redevelopment
Improved disability access and acoustics, as well as upgraded back of house facilities, are part of an overhaul of Arts…

Exhibition review: Tales from the Greek
An imaginative response to classic Greek tragedies.

A theatre rises from the ashes
Those closest to La Mama relay their agony at its loss in flames and a new joy at a grand…

Exhibition review: This is a Poem, Buxton Contemporary
Art and poetry in conversation with one another.

Where an arts degree can take you
Arts degrees have a bad reputation when it comes to employability. But their value to the arts workforce is worth…

Jane Austen: evergreen (i)con
Austen Con 21 returns with a hybrid live and digital model.

Reopening Sydney theatre COVID-safely
Hamilton and Come From Away are reopening in Sydney as part of NSW’s roadmap back from COVID. What can audiences…

New home for experimental arts space
Testing Grounds loses one home to gain another thanks to the $100 million Melbourne City Recovery Fund.

Securing arts money in uncertain times
As the sector seeks support for its post-pandemic future, how are sponsors and donors feeling about their capacity to give?