
The Bluebird Mechanicals
The Bluebird Mechanicals is a menagerie of wonders. It is, in short, a work that needs to be seen.

How to create an Australasian city
Arts organisations committed to long-term cultural engagement with the Asia-Pacific have transformed Brisbane; Bjelke-Petersen would barely recognise his old fiefdom.

The Mabo Oration
It is 25 years since the acknowledgement of the existence of native title.

What the arts industry can learn from Lego
In times of challenge, organisations in different sectors can teach the arts valuable lessons about streamlining and sticking with what…

The Hamlet Apocalypse
The Hamlet Apocalypse is a testament to the power of live theatre.

Stradbroke Chamber Music Festival
Stradbroke Island welcomed its 10th annual Chamber Music Festival over a winter weekend with great weather.

West Side Story
Stunning production of West Side Story sets the bar high for the Queensland Conservatorium

A brilliant thought-provoking play examines our human condition with love and humour.

American Idiot
The musical version of American Idiot is the brainchild of celebrated punk band, Green Day.

Shakespeare’s Macbeth gets a gothic reimagining in this visually intriguing production that doesn’t quite hit the mark.