Australian Capital Territory
Does this new sculpture change how we publicly memorialise war?
A new permanent sculpture at the Australian War Memorial may signal a shift in how we publicly acknowledge veterans’ experiences.
Experiencing Jordan Wolfson's $6.6 million robotic sculpture
ArtsHub takes a look at the new robotic sculpture by the often controversial, always thought-provoking Jordan Wolfson.
A burgeoning career path that links arts and law
Why important career prospects are quickly emerging at the nexus between art and law.
Repositioning Emily Kam Kngwarray, and why now
A rethinking of the work of Emily Kam Kngwarray reminds us that Country and Community come first.
Do we want Gauguin back?
The NGA's recently announced 'Gauguin World' exhibition raises questions, but also proposes new answers.
Exhibition review: Deep inside my heart, NGA
The NGA's collection show has oomph and demonstrates the importance of collecting lineages.
Arts with law: a complementary and powerful combination
Creating social change and addressing the inadequacies of systems around gendered violence, through arts and law's intersection.
Asylum seekers meet Shakespeare in bold new take on The Tempest
Written by playwright Helen Machalias, ‘This Rough Magic’ uses Shakespeare as a lens through which to explore our nation’s treatment…
How independent theatre enriches the local arts ecology
With a burgeoning number of indie theatre companies and a wide array of performing arts venues, Canberra is poised to…
Delivering vision: politicians versus an actor
Working with a ‘laser-like focus’, regional artists and arts organisation offer visionary lessons that are transformative.