Grant Details



Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type



All Arts


South Australia

Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Government of South Australia

Major Projects – Triennial Project

This grant supports the creation and presentation of new work across all art forms by individual professional artists and groups or unfunded arts and cultural organisations through a staged funding commitment over three years. It recognises the benefits that an extended development process can offer some arts projects.

The grant will support all stages of development and presentation, including creative and project development, research, making of work and presentation through creative development and final showings, exhibitions or premieres.

The application Project Plan and Timeline should include detail of planning to secure partnerships and other investment, aligned to project stages and reflected in the application budget (see Application information below).

The project should lead to a major presentation of the work in South Australia. Projects which incorporate or create potential for national and international exposure are encouraged. Touring regionally, nationally and internationally is supported.

Final outcomes can be independently produced or can occur within arts and non-arts festivals and organisations.

For more information, visit Department of the Premier and Cabinet, Government of South Australia

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