Frankston Arts Centre

Vanessa White: Perched

Perched is a melding of the joyous spectrum of Abstract Expressionism, the decorative formalism of Pop-Art, and the wit and humour of a knowing artist working with the imagery of…


Event Details



Event Starts

Aug 7, 2024 10:00

Event Ends

Oct 12, 2024 14:00


Frankston Arts Centre


27-37 Davey Street, Frankston

Perched is a melding of the joyous spectrum of Abstract Expressionism, the decorative formalism of Pop-Art, and the wit and humour of a knowing artist working with the imagery of the conundrum of the exotic-ordinary, in this case, rare breeds of common pet birds, the Budgerigar.


Image: Carlton (detail)acrylic on polycotton

FAC – Atrium Gallery
Function Centre Foyer

Thursday 27 June to Saturday 12 October
Free Entry

Tue-Fri 10-5 Sat 10-2
Closed Monday, Sunday, public holidays & long weekends


Sales at FAC Box Office

For more information click here