Sympoiesis speaks to the idea that human and non-human entities are constantly shaping and being shaped by each other rather than self-creating in isolation.
Sympoiesis, meaning “making with” or “making together,” describes human and non-human existence as inherently collaborative, contextual, and emergent, where nothing exists in isolation and everything is perpetually in a state of interdependent becoming.
In this unique multi-arts season, Honey Fingers Collective brings sculptural artworks from their interspecies exhibition between humans and bees as well as communal food, fermentations, honeycomb activities, and a stunning indoor/outdoor bee chimney. This unique beekeeping project launches with a free opening event FRI 21 FEB 5.30-7.30pm.
The performance program features the transformative music of The Cloud Maker (THU 20 FEB), and a live dance & foley duet by Bec Jensen & Aviva Endean, Slip (21-22 MAR). Each work explores the influence of sensory input and storytelling on our self-becoming. Offsite, Ocean LAB invites you to Thinking with Golden Ecklonia, a multisensory sound walk exploring the hidden wonders of Australia’s Great Southern Reef (APR 12). Sympoiesis offers free and ticketed events.
Platform Arts is a not-for-profit contemporary arts space located in the arts & cultural precinct of Geelong. Supported by The City of Greater Geelong, Creative Victoria, and Creative Australia. The Honey Fingers Collective project was supported by a City of Greater Geelong Community Grant.
For more information visit: | IG & FB: @platformartsgeelong
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