This 8-week writing course, Online: Novel Writing from Idea to Manuscript with Pamela Cook, will take place online.
Navigating the how-to-write-a-novel advice now available can be daunting — there’s so much information out there it can be hard to know where to start. This comprehensive course will guide you through the entire process, from drafting a novel, creating compelling characters, crafting a gripping plot, fuelling your fiction with conflict and more. You’ll leave with a clear action plan for revision and publication, ready to take the next step towards sharing your work with the world. Whether this is your first manuscript or you’re a few novels in and looking to refine your craft, this course will give you the tools and support you need to succeed.
As you work through the lessons online, you’ll also be working offline to write your novel. To this end, you’ll be encouraged to set specific, achievable writing goals each week and have the opportunity to share your successes, discuss your challenges and help others with theirs, in our class forum.
The course takes place on a user-friendly website called Wet Ink, designed specifically for writing courses. Each Monday during the course, a new lesson will be posted online. Participants will have the week to work through the content and post responses to exercises designed to put the theory they’re learning into practice. There will also be weekly Zoom sessions on a Wednesday night, from 6.30-7.30pm AEST, where participants will discuss the week’s lesson with Pamela and their peers.
Week-by-Week Course Breakdown
Week 1: Getting Started – Overcoming First Hurdles
Starting a novel can be overwhelming, but this week we’ll break it down into manageable steps. You’ll learn how to silence your inner critic and embrace the creative process with confidence. We’ll explore practical techniques to get your ideas on paper, as well as how to give and receive feedback. By the end of this session, you’ll feel empowered to write your novel without fear of failure.
Week 2: Crafting the Perfect Opening – Hook Your Reader From the Start
The beginning of your novel is your chance to grab your reader’s attention and keep them reading to the very last page. This week, we’ll dive into strategies for creating a riveting opening chapter that sets the tone, introduces key themes, and sparks curiosity. Whether it’s with action, dialogue, or intrigue, we’ll examine how to build a memorable opening that makes your reader desperate to know more. You’ll learn to balance exposition with characterisation and create an opening that keeps readers turning pages.
Week 3: Creating Compelling Characters – Making Your Readers Care
Characters are the heart of any great story, and this week you’ll learn how to create multi-dimensional characters that resonate with your readers. We’ll explore techniques for developing their desires, fears, and flaws, as well as how to make their motivations crystal clear. You’ll discover how to build empathy for your characters, ensuring that readers invest emotionally in their journey. By the end of this week, you’ll have the tools to create unforgettable characters who feel real, believable, and indispensable to your story.
Week 4: Nailing Your Structure – Building a Strong Narrative Foundation
Strong structure is the backbone of every great novel. We’ll examine classic storytelling structures like the three-act structure and the hero’s journey, and look at how to apply them to your unique story. You’ll understand how to pace your plot, create tension, and deliver satisfying arcs that keep readers hooked from start to finish. By the end of this session, you’ll have a blueprint for your novel’s structure that will guide you toward a polished and cohesive narrative.
Week 5: Page-Turning Plots – Crafting Conflict That Keeps Readers Hooked
A page-turning plot is more than just action; it’s about creating tension, stakes, and surprises that make readers anxious to turn the page. In this week’s lesson, we’ll look at how to construct a plot that builds momentum and keeps readers on the edge of their seat. You’ll learn how to weave multiple plotlines, weave in backstory, and escalate conflicts so that your readers can’t put the book down. By the end of the session, you’ll understand how to design a plot that thrills and captivates, regardless of genre.
Week 6: Scene Writing – Creating Moments That Matter
Scenes are the building blocks of story. Every scene in your novel needs to serve a purpose—whether it’s advancing the plot, developing characters, or deepening themes. This week, we’ll dive into the art of writing scenes that make every moment count while maintaining pace. You’ll learn how to create vivid settings, balance dialogue and description, and use subtext to add depth. By the end of this session, you’ll be able to write scenes that are emotionally charged, tightly focused, and impossible to skip.
Week 7: The Revision Process – Polishing Your Manuscript
Great writing is in the editing, and this week, we’ll look at the revision process, and how to take your manuscript from good to great. You’ll learn how to look at your manuscript with fresh eyes and identify areas for improvement. By the end of the week, you’ll have a clear roadmap for revising your work and transforming it into a polished, professional manuscript.
Week 8: Preparing for Publication – From Manuscript to Market
The final week will prepare you to take your novel to the next level: publication. We’ll cover the key steps to ready your manuscript for submission, including how to write a standout query letter, pitch, and synopsis. You’ll also learn about the options for self-publishing versus traditional publishing, and how to choose the path that aligns with your goals. With the tools and knowledge gained this week, you’ll feel confident and prepared to share your work with the world and take the next steps toward seeing your novel in print.
For more information click here