Accessible Arts

Creative Access Workshop

Designed for creative practitioners and commissioning arts organisations, this disability-led training explores creative access in the creation of new work. Explore its potential to transform the way we create and…


Event Details



Event Starts

Nov 21, 2024

Event Ends

Nov 21, 2024

Designed for creative practitioners and commissioning arts organisations, this disability-led training explores creative access in the creation of new work. Explore its potential to transform the way we create and engage with art for all audiences.

Learn about embedding access and inclusion into new creative work in an aesthetic way, and how creative work can become inseparable from access. Think beyond traditional models where access is added-on to existing work and consider how to creatively engage diverse audiences in a meaningful way. This exciting new training program will lead you towards uncovering new ground at the forefront of Creative Access.

The training will cover:

  • Traditional access solutions in creative work
  • Technological access solutions
  • Embedded Access vs Creative Access
  • National and international examples of successful work
  • Who has the right to create the work?
  • Challenging traditional models of creative work
  • Creative Access as activism

Prior to the session we’ll send you links to resources you can refer to before, during and after the workshop.

Workshop Dates & Times

Thurs 21 November
1pm – 3pm (Online)

For more information, visit

Image credit: Bailee Lobb, In Bathing, Bask, installation view, 2021. Photo: Bailee Lobb. Courtesy of the artist.