Bundoora Homestead Art Centre

Bundoora School Holidays: Holiday Clay

Come learn and play with air dry clay these school holidays!


Event Details



Event Starts

Apr 9, 2025 11:30

Event Ends

Apr 11, 2025 13:00


Bundoora Homestead Art Centre


7 Prospect Hill Dr, Bundoora VIC 3083, Australia

These school holidays Bundoora Homestead is running some clay workshop. Learn some traditional handbuilding and decorating techniques, all with low-fuss airdry clay!

These workshops are about playing with and discovering this malleable medium. You can attend one or all 3.

Recommended for ages 6-12. Children must be accompanied by a parent or garden.

All materials provided. Bookings are essential.


Session 1 | Wednesday 9 April: 11:30am-1pm

Handbuilding Techniques

Practice the handbuilding techniques of coiling and pinching to make your own vessels. In this class we’ll get a feel for clay as a material and explore how to shape it and join it.

Session 2 | Thursday 10 April: 11:30am-1pm

Sculpting with an Armature

Make an animal sculpture with an armature. We’ll learn how to shape the body with materials such as paper and wire, and cover it with clay where we can add details.

Session 3 | Friday 11 April: 11:30am-1pm

Stamped Bowls and Sgraffito

Using everyday objects, we’ll stamp patterns into clay and turn it into bowls. We’ll also learn the Sgraffito technique!

We recommend wearing some clothes that can get a little bit messy. Bring a shoebox or large tupperware to take your pieces home! You can take your pieces home to dry at the end of a single session, or you are welcome to leave them with us to dry and paint them in the next session!


$20 per session 

$60 season ticket + booking fee

Register here

Other information:

Children are welcome to stay on after class and continue their own craft projects. While you’re here, feel free to explore the Bundoora Homestead exhibitions, gardens and cafe.

To plan your visit and for more information please click here.

For more information click here