All Exhibitions Events

A Narrow Strip Along A Steep Edge
A Narrow Strip Along A Steep Edge
A Narrow Strip Along a Steep Edge invites eight contemporary artists to inhabit the lingering structures of Fort Lytton in an…

Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Studios
Bone Drift: Wax, Bone and Thread
Explores‘non-normative’ bones and (dis)ability identities overtime. Through workshops participants engaged with bone’s materiality,creating personal objects that reflect evolving (dis)abled identities

Australian Design Centre
ADC Exhibition Tours - PROFILE 2025 | Robert Foster Metal Prize | Jeff McCann: Play
Tour times: Thursdays, 12.30pm (Starting Thursday 20th May - Ending 15th May) Book here or call on us on 9361…

Willoughby City Council
Dual Nature
A solo painting exhibition by Pete Finlay.

Gallery Lane Cove + Creative Studios
LUCENT: women treading lightly Exhibition
Shining a light on women artists who often go unheard amidst the noise of “immediacy art.” These are regional artists,…

A Fragile Piece
This exhibit illustrates how a stark, barren earth supports and nurtures the featured and flowing beauty that springs from it.…

The Doyles Art Award
The Doyles Art Award
Nationally acclaimed fine art award featuring a $20,000 acquisitive first prize for landscape category. Other categories include figurative, still life,…

Bogong Centre for Sound Culture
Look Both Ways Exhibition
Look Both Ways reimagines how we see nature. Using a Black Mirror—an 18th-century tool—Lesley Duxbury transforms landscapes into striking reflections,…

Bundoora Homestead Art Centre
Jaren | جڑیں | Roots | جذور
A collaborative exhibition presented across three venues in Darebin: the Islamic Museum of Australia, La Trobe University and Bundoora Homestead…

Bundoora Homestead Art Centre
A1 Darebin Art Salon 2025
Featuring over 150 artists who live, work, study or base their creative practice in the City of Darebin.