All Development & Training Events

Writers SA
Writers SA Summer Program
Literary programs, workshops, events and talks—See what’s on, both in person and online.

National Art School
Contemporary Watercolours
Ignite your understanding and enjoyment of watercolour drawing and painting by learning traditional methods and contemporary mark-making techniques.

Lorne Sculpture Biennale
Lorne Sculpture Biennale 2025: Sculpture Plus Program
Throughout the Lorne Sculpture Biennale 2025, a suite of public programs, performances, and presentations titled Sculpture+ will establish connections between…

Australian Music Centre
Strike Up the Band: Australian Concert Band Music for the Secondary Classroom
An online interactive professional development workshop for classroom music educators, illustrating how to incorporate Australian concert band music in classroom…

Writing NSW
Writing Thrillers: How to Hook your Reader
In this one-day course with best-selling thriller author, Petronella McGovern, you’ll learn how to link your characters and plot, and…

Writing NSW
Writing Speculative Fiction
Join author JS Breukelaar for a workshop that will leave you with the skills and confidence to make your speculative…

Writing NSW
Poetry in Flux: Playing with Genre and Form
In this interactive workshop, poet Hasib Hourani will guide participants through different poetic modes of language to consider all that…

Writing NSW
Seminar: Pitching to Literary Journals
This seminar, with editor James Jiang, will help participants refine their pitches to literary journals as well as fine tune…

Writing NSW
Online: Writing Memoir
It’s one thing to live it; another to write it. In this six-week online memoir writing course, Kate Holden takes…

Writing NSW
Online Feedback: Children’s Books
In this online writing course, author Belinda Murrell will provide feedback on your writing for children, enabling you to hone…